Thursday, April 29, 2010

MCPAC Minutes April 17, 2010

Mill Creek Pond Action Committee

Meeting Minutes

Saturday April 17, 2010

Present: Steve Norr, Ken Mears, Chris Meeker, Kimarie Overall, George Mierisch, Judy Mincher, Shelly Norr, Lewis Galway, Jerry McPhee, Terrell McPhee, Errol Remington

Granite High and Neighborhood Plan:

Judy, Jerry and Steve are on the Granite High Advisory Committee. Jerry gave an update on the Granite High meeting and the Columbus School presentation.

The community would like to see Granite High include the following:

1. Move city hall to Granite High

2. Recreation center, keeping the swimming pool and track

3. Keep the unofficial dog track

4. Ways to generate revenue; renting to non-profit organizations, etc

5. Our group suggested a community garden.

South Salt Lake needs an identity. We have a lot of immigrants in our community. We could become the community helping others to integrate.

Pond Area Issues and Goals:

The gate on the north side of the pond solves more problems than it creates. Chris is willing to accept a gate to block the access road installed at the back of her property. We will need to ask the city council and South Salt Lake to approve and install a gate.

Neighborhood Watch:

It was decided that the Neighborhood Watch officer will be invited to our next meeting. Chris will get information on the other Neighborhood Watch which meets every second Tuesday at the Pioneer Craft House. We could join that group, but feel it is important that we have a separate group specifically for those who live on the water.

Spring Clean-Up Project:

The debris in the water has not been as bad since our clean-up efforts last fall. It was decided that no additional efforts are needed, and that everyone will continue cleaning up the areas around their homes.

Other Items:

Most of the neighbors would like to own the land to the water. Errol said he would e-mail the mayor and then the commission to find out how this can be done.

1. Should MCPAC petition for this as a group?

2. We need consensus from everyone on the water.

3. What can we do with the apartments and the adjoining land?

Next Meeting Date:

The next meeting will be Saturday, May 22 at10:00 AM on Jerry and Terrell’s deck at 535 East 3195 South.

Stay away from our babies

Look closely to the right of this Goose and
you can see an upside-down Seagull.
Click on photo to enlarge it.
This Seagull wont be hunting our baby's ducks and geese
anytime soon, but he did eventually recover and fly away.

Terrell's Spring Pic's

The Geese have organized a day care co-op

Mama has all of her ducks in a row!

This Mandarin Duck is feeling good

Georges Pic.s

This Woodpecker is sitting on George's Deck
What a wounderful Spring photo

Thursday, April 15, 2010

First Goslings of 2010

Terrell took this photo of the newest Goslings on their first outing.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Who Invited this Guy to the Easter Egg Hunt?

At about noon today we caught this Seagull
red handed with Duck egg in beak.
This is the hard part of living with so much wildlife.
But I suppose it is just a natural part of the food chain.

First Baby Ducks of 2010

We saw our first baby Ducks of 2010
the day before Easter!

American Wigeon Duck

Shelly spotted this American Wigeon Duck
a couple of weks ago.