Saturday, December 6, 2014

MCPHOA Minutes Sept. 20, 2014

Saturday September 20, 2014

Present: Terrell McPhee, Judy Mincher, Kimarie Overall, George Mierisch, Steve Norr, Shelly Norr, Dan Firth, Chris Meeker, Charles R. Galway, Michele Johnson, Jerold McPhee, Kristy Zobell, Jeff Zobell, Sydney Firth

  1. Officers’ Reports:

A. President’s Report: 
1. Steve called the meeting to order and asked about the fall clean up schedule. 
a. We will have the dumpsters from Friday, October 17th through Sunday, October 19th.  They will be located at Steve and Shelly’s house and at Jerry and Terrell’s house.  South Salt Lake will do their fall clean up in November.
b. The official clean up will begin at 11:00 AM on Jerry and Terrell’s deck.  Bring wagons and wheel barrows to haul debris and limbs to the dumpster.  We will also ask Eldon to let us use his trailer.
c. We will split into two or three teams to address areas most in need of clean up.  Areas of concern are:
·      A tree by Judy’s deck
·      A willow over the water by Michele’s house
·      Beaver dam
·      Erosion  from high water caused by damming east of Judy’s house and/or damming east of Rite Aid
·      Trees at Steve and Shelly’s house
·      The area behind George and Kimarie’s house
d. In the future, Chris will order dumpsters at the meeting before clean up.  Clean up will be clean up only, and will not include meetings, so official notice of meeting will not be required.
2. Steve asked when and where the next meeting will be held.    
a.     Last February, Stuart said the December meeting and party could be at his house, but he would make sure Carolyn was OK with that.  The date was set for December 6th: 5:00 PM meeting, 6:00 PM party.  If we can’t use Stuart and Carolyn’s house, George and Kimarie will host the meeting and party.
b.     We need to elect officers and a trustee in December, set dates and plan activities for 2105, report hours, submit information for our report to the city, and party.

B. Secretary’s Report:
1. Terrell has kept the records and supplied the minutes.  The notice of meeting was mailed within the timeframe required by MCPHOA bylaws.
2.  We have renewed our insurance and our business license.
3. We have logged 81.75 hours for pond maintenance to date.  Chris will email more time to Terrell, plus we still have fall clean up time to add. 
4. Steve will wait until the end of the year to scan pond maintenance hours onto the blog.
5. Jerry moved to accept the minutes from the June meeting.  The motion was seconded by George.  The vote was unanimous
6. Michele had a follow up question concerning the minutes from the April and June meetings.  Jerry had moved to have the trustees, plus Michele, write a letter to the appropriate entities regarding a beaver dam.  The county cleared the dam, so the issue was dropped.
7. Dale is the county flood control manager.  His number is 801-259-2790.  Chris will call her contact at county flood control to check out the dam east of Michele’s house.

B. Treasurer’s Report:
1. We have 13 members in good standing.
2. We’re at the end of our fiscal year.  Our accountant has moved to Nevada, so Chris would like to have their accountant do our taxes for $80.00 per year.  George moved to approve changing accountants.  The motion was seconded by Shelly.  The vote was unanimous.
3. We spent more money than we took in this year.  We took in $1.560.00 and spent $1,993.37:
Check # 1009:  10/15/13   Dumpsters                                                            $50
              1010:   10/05/13   Steve Norr/Printing                                  $21.37
              1011:   12/11/13   Dr. Harrison/Consultant                         $200   
              1012:   12/12/13   Jayne Hendrickson/Acct.                        $285
              1013:   03/24/14   Dumpsters                                               $50
              1014:                     VOID
              1015:   03/31/14   Ken Mears/Signs                                      $200
              1016:   04/14/14   Lewis Galway/Seeds                                $100
              1017:   06/30/14   Wasatch Trees/Tree Removal                  $500
              1018:   07/17/14   John Henry Smith Insurance                   $537
              1019:   09/14/14   Dumpsters                                               $50
4. The next notice of meeting will remind everyone that dues are due, and to bring their checkbooks to the party  .
  1. Other Business:

A.   Jerry moved to accept the amended bylaws.  The motion was seconded by George.  The vote was unanimous.
B.    Jeff and Kristy’s car was stolen from their driveway sometime between 2 and 4 AM on September 10th. They suspect the culprits are drug users who live in the area.
C.    Steve will put us on the email list for Neighborhood Watch which is held on the second Wednesday of each month. 
D.   Charles contacted Columbus School to try to schedule an educational session, but has had no response.  Steve suggested he contact Kari Cutler, and he will give her phone number to Charles.  Charles said that Erik might be willing to help with the education, but there might be some cost involved.  Our education sessions should be organized with a set program and script.  Steve asked that we post wildlife photos on MCPAC’s Facebook page so he can move them to the blog and use them in flyers and educational material.  Chris volunteered to help with the flyers.
E.    The best time to plant is in the fall or spring.  Some of the seeds came up and some didn’t.  We need to plant more in the transition zones.  Charles said that salt in the water and soil affects plant growth.  He will check into having our soil and water tested.
F.    South Salt Lake has postponed the requirement for backflow preventers.
G.   Chris moved to adjourn the meeting.  Everyone seconded the motion.  The vote was unanimous. 
H.   The next meeting will be at 5:00 PM on December 6th, with a party starting at 6:00 PM.  Last February, Stuart volunteered to have the meeting and party at his home again this year.  If that falls through, George and Kimarie will host.