Saturday, July 16, 2016

Mill Creek Pond Clean Up Project

Todays Mill Creek Pond Clean Up Project was at the north gate. It rarely needs to be used so after a year it was in need of help. We cleared the pathway and made several fence repairs this morning. 

Looking Good now!

Part of the wood fence by the duplex feel down and left the pond area unsecured.

Thanks to Charles, George and Kimarie for helping to stand this fence up, 
re-support it and clear out the pathway from the north gate.

The North side of the Pond is secure now.

Our next project will be in September focusing on the west side of the pond.

Western Screech Owls

Jerry got this amazing photo in his backyard last night.

Monday, July 11, 2016

MCPHOA Neighborhood Party

We had a great turnout for our neighborhood party with a lot of new neighbors attending.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

MCPHOA Meeting Agenda for July 9th 2016



Please take notice that the Board of Trustees has, pursuant to Article IV Section 2 of the Interim Bylaws of the Mill Creek Pond Homeowners’ Association, called a meeting of the Members of the Association, which meeting will be held at the time and place designated below:

Date:               Saturday, July 9th, 2016
Time:              5:00 PM
Location:         3162 Park Court
                        South Salt Lake City, Utah.   
Tentative Agenda:

1.     Officers’ Reports
a.     President’s Report
b.     Secretary’s Report
c.     Treasurer’s Report
2.     Other Business

3.     Neighborhood party to begin at 5:30 PM