Sunday, July 9, 2017
Saturday, July 8, 2017
MCPHOA Minutes April 1, 2017
Saturday, April 1, 2017
Present: Terrell
McPhee, Marianna Southey, Todd Grady, George Mierisch, Shelly Norr, Steve Norr,
Kimarie Overall, Errol Remington, Dallas O’Very, Alice O’Very, Ken Mears, Daniel
Firth, Judy Mincher, Jerold McPhee. Chris
Meeker is excused.
- Officers’ Reports:
A. President’s Report:
1. Steve met with
the city in November about assessing the dangerous trees, but he has heard
nothing on the matter. He also talked to
Dennis about the trees, but hasn’t heard from him, either. George suggested that the city engineer
should asses the trees. Steve suggested
that we check out the trees after the meeting.
2. Steve said that Dennis really appreciates our efforts,
all of the work we do, our reporting and our timeliness.
B. Secretary’s Report: Terrell has kept the
records and supplied the minutes. The notice of meeting was mailed within the time frame required by
MCPHOA bylaws. Jerry moved to accept the minutes from the January 28th
meeting. The motion was seconded by Judy
and George. The vote was unanimous.
C. Treasurer’s Report: Terrell reported that we
have $4,238.12 in our bank account. Two
more members paid dues today, so we have nine members in good standing and have
collected $1,080.00 in dues.
- Other Business:
Marianna and Todd
are having a housewarming party on May 13th, and we are all invited.
Charles will work
on the education for our student educational tour. George will meet with the Scott School
after-school program to firm up the date and details of our student education.
Errol thanked
Judy for the research she did on the cell tower.
- Adjournment: Jerry moved to adjourn the meeting and begin spring
clean-up. The motion was seconded
by Shelly. The vote was unanimous.
- The next meeting will
be 5:00 PM July 8th at Steve and Shelly’s house, with the neighborhood
party immediately after.
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