Friday, December 28, 2018

MCPHOA Agenda January 12, 2018



Please take notice that the Board of Trustees has, pursuant to Article IV Section 2 of the Interim Bylaws of the Mill Creek Pond Homeowners’ Association, called a meeting of the Members of the Association, which meeting will be held at the time and place designated below:

Date:               Saturday January 12, 2019 
Time:              4:00 PM, Social after
Location:         535 East 3195 South
                        South Salt Lake City, Utah.    
Tentative Agenda:

1.     Officers’ Reports
a.     President’s Report
b.     Secretary’s Report
c.     Treasurer’s Report
2.     Documentation for the City
3.     Election of Second Year Trustee (George)
4.     Election of Officers
5.     Other Business

Please RSVP to Terrell at 801-484-4715 or
We will have a social after the meeting.

Please bring membership dues to the meeting.

Dated this 28th day of December 2018

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

2018 Christmas Party

Many Thanks to Dallas and Alice for Hosting the Christmas Party again!

Monday, December 10, 2018

MCPHOA Minutes December 8, 2018

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Present: Terrell McPhee, Jerold McPhee, Shelly Norr, Steve Norr, Chris Meeker, Errol Remington, Kimarie Overall, Chip Reynolds, Dallas O’Very, Alice O’Very, Eldon Campbell, Dianne St.Clair, George Mierisch

  1. Officers’ Reports:
A.    President’s Report: 
1.     We need to schedule our planning meeting for January.  We will meet Saturday, January 12that 4:00 PM at Jerry and Terrell’s house.  
2.     We need to have all the information for the report to the city for the next meeting.  Steve still needs proof of insurance and business license.

B.  Secretary’s Report: Terrell has kept the records and supplied the minutes.  The noticeof meeting was mailed within the time frame required by MCPHOA bylaws. Jerry moved to accept the minutes from the October 27thmeeting.  The motion was seconded by Chris.  The vote was unanimous.   

C.   Treasurer’s Report: We have $5,349.29 in the bank. Ken has already paid for 2019.  Remember to pay membership dues at the next meeting

  1. Other Business: There was no other business.

  1. Adjournment:  Chris moved to adjourn the meeting and start the Christmas party.  The motion was seconded by Jerry.  The vote was unanimous.  

  1. The next meeting will be 4:00 PM Saturday, January 12th at Jerry and Terrell’s house, with a social immediately after.

Friday, November 23, 2018

MCPHOA Agenda Dec. 8, 2018



Please take notice that the Board of Trustees has, pursuant to Article IV Section 2 of the Interim Bylaws of the Mill Creek Pond Homeowners’ Association, called a meeting of the Members of the Association, which meeting will be held at the time and place designated below:

Date:               Saturday December 8, 2018 
Time:              6:00 PM 
Location:         3183 South 500 East 
                        South Salt Lake City, Utah.    

Tentative Agenda:

1.     Officers’ Reports
a.     President’s Report
b.     Secretary’s Report
c.     Treasurer’s Report
2.     Other Business

Please RSVP to Dallas at 801-875-5651 or
Christmas party will begin immediately after the meeting.

Dated this 23rd day of Novemberer, 2018

                                                            Mill Creek Pond Homeowners Association

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

MCPHOA Minutes October 27, 2018

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Present: Terrell McPhee, Jerold McPhee, Dallas O’Very, Alice O’Very, Marianna Southey, Todd Grady, Shelly Norr, Steve Norr

  1. Officers’ Reports:
A.    President’s Report: Steve said to be sure to get pond maintenance hours from Dallas.  Also, Marianna has more hours to add to the report.

B.  Secretary’s Report: Terrell has kept the records and supplied the minutes.  The noticeof meeting was mailed within the time frame required by MCPHOA bylaws. Jerry moved to accept the minutes from October 14thand move them to Notes.  The motion was seconded by Shelly.  The vote was unanimous.   

C.   Treasurer’s Report: We have $4,486.83 in the bank. We have 12 households in good standing. 

  1. Other Business: Jerry suggested that our cleanup dates be carved in stone; early to mid-April and mid to late October, or the 3rdSaturday in April and the last Saturday in October.

  1. Adjournment: Jerrymoved to adjourn the meeting and begin the fall cleanup.  The motion was seconded by Marianna.  The vote was unanimous.  

  1. The next meeting will be 6:00 PM Saturday, December 8th at Dallas and Alice’s house, with the Christmas party immediately after.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Broken Weir

George is going to follow up with the County regarding the repair of the Weir

Monday, October 22, 2018

2018 Fall Cleanup 10.27.2018

Hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful Fall season of 2018

Steve & Shelly will be hosting the 2018 Fall Clean Up Meeting

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

MCPHOA Agenda for October 14, 2018



Please take notice that the Board of Trustees has, pursuant to Article IV Section 2 of the Interim Bylaws of the Mill Creek Pond Homeowners’ Association, called a meeting of the Members of the Association, which meeting will be held at the time and place designated below:

Date:               Sunday, October 14, 2018 
Time:              4:30 PM 
Location:         3183 South 500 East 
                        South Salt Lake City, Utah.    

Tentative Agenda:

1.     Officers’ Reports
a.     President’s Report
b.     Secretary’s Report
c.     Treasurer’s Report
2.     Schedule winter party and meeting
3.     Other Business

Please RSVP to Dallas at 801-875-5651 or
Cajun dinner will begin immediately after the meeting.

Dated this 28thday of September, 2018

                                                            Mill Creek Pond Homeowners Association

Terrell L. McPhee


Wednesday, August 15, 2018

MCPHOA Minutes July 7, 2018

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Present: Terrell McPhee, Errol Remington, Chris Meeker, Diane St.Clair, Steve Norr, Shelly Norr, Ken Mears, Kimarie Overall, George Mierisch, Bonnie Nielsen, Charles Reynolds, Alli Cartwright, Todd Grady, Marianna Southey, Alice O’Very, Dallas O’Very  Excused:Judy Mincher

  1. Officers’ Reports:
A.    President’s Report: 
1.      Steve said that the cost of filming the council meeting is $195.00.  Chad Potts will edit it and reduce the time to 10 minutes.  He will also film some drone video from here to add to our current video. Errol moved to approve payment tor filming and editing.  The motion was seconded by Chris.  The vote was unanimous.  
2.     Steve asked for approval to have the chain saws repaired and new chains put on.  Chris moved to approve repairing the chain saws and replacing the chains. The motion was seconded by Errol.  The vote was unanimous.  Chris will write a check for the repairs.
3.     Steve asked Terrell to send him the pond maintenance records.  He will send them out to everyone else.  Please add your hours and send them back to Steve.

B.  Secretary’s Report: Terrell has kept the records and supplied the minutes.  Thanks to Judy for getting the noticeof meeting mailed within the time frame required by MCPHOA bylaws. Chris moved to accept the minutes from both the April 14thand the January 27th meetings.  The motion was seconded by Shelly.  The vote was unanimous.   

B.    Treasurer’s Report: Chris reported that we have $5,269.00 in the bank. She will post membership records on the website. 

A.    Other Business: Marianna asked if it would be okay to leave the gate unlocked for one day for the Comcast.  The answer was yes.

  1. Adjournment: Stevemoved to adjourn the meeting and begin the summer party.  The motion was seconded by Dallas.  The vote was unanimous.  

  1. The next meeting will be 11:00 AM October 6th at Diane and Errol’s house, with the fall clean-up immediately after.