Saturday, January 27, 2018
Present: Terrell McPhee, Chris Meeker, Steve Norr, Shelly Norr, Alan Bennett, Pam Bennett, Chip Reynolds, Alice O’Very, Dallas O’Very, Alli Cartwright, Todd Grady, Marianna Southey, Judy Mincher, Sydney Firth, George Mierisch, Diane St. Clair, Errol Remington, Kimarie Overall, Ken Mears, Dan Firth, Charles Galway, Jerold McPhee
1. Officers’ Reports:
A. President’s Report:
1. Steve and Jerry met with the city attorney. Our lease has been renewed for another five years. We will need to renew it again by October 31, 2023.
2. Steve e-mailed a link to the 2009 news to each of us; a reminder of what brought us together.
3. Mill Creek Pond Homeowners’ Associations (MCPHOA) was formed to maintain and protect the property behind our homes. MCPHOA is not involved in politics. Mill Creek Pond Action Committee (MCPAC) Was formed to keep a trail out of our back yards. MCPAC continues to be involved in local issues.
4. Just a reminder, dues are due.
B. Secretary’s Report:
1. Terrell has kept the records and supplied the minutes. The notice of meeting was mailed within the time frame required by MCPHOA bylaws.
2. George moved to rescind the scheduled December meeting since both the secretary and treasurer were excused for family emergencies. The motion was seconded by Jerry. The vote was unanimous. Jerry moved to accept the minutes from the September 30th meeting. The motion was seconded by Marianna and Shelly. The vote was unanimous.
C. Treasurer’s Report: We have $4,078.99 in our bank account. We have taken in $1,440.00 in dues and have paid $1,600.45 for license, insurance, signs, taxes, postage, dumpsters, etc. Our largest expense is $514.00 for insurance. We have a $25.00 credit with the city since we paid for two dumpsters, but only used one.
2. Documentation for the City: Steve has all of the needed documentation, but he will add missing hours to the Pond Maintenance Records and email a copy to Terrell. Any time spent cleaning, weeding or making repairs on the land surrounding the pond counts toward our lease agreement. Please remember to email any time you spend to Terrell so she can record it in the Pond Maintenance Record.
3. Election of First Year Trustee: George nominated Jerry to be retained as the first-year trustee. The motion was seconded by Shelly. The vote was unanimous.
4. Election of Officers:
A. Jerry moved to retain all of the officers. The motion was seconded by Marianna.
B. Errol Moved to amend the motion to nominate Dallas for vice president. The motion, as amended, was seconded by Jerry. The vote was unanimous
C. Jerry moved the thank Errol for being our vice president for the past year. The motion was seconded by Shelly. The vote was unanimous.
5. Scheduling:
A. Spring meeting and clean-up will be Saturday, April 14th. 11:00 AM at Jerry and Terrell’s house. Dumpsters will be in front of McPhees’ and Norrs’ houses.
B. Student educational tour will be sometime in Early May. George will coordinate the event.
C. Summer meeting and party: July 7th. 5:00 PM at Steve and Shelly’s house.
D. Fall meeting and clean-up will be Saturday, October 6th. 11:00 AM at Diane and Errol’s house. Dumpsters will be on 5th East and Water Lily.
E. Winter meeting and Christmas party will be at Dallas and Alice’s house in early December. Date and time will be determined at a later date.
6. Other Business:
A. Jerry said that the city attorney and Joaquim from the city stopped by to discuss trees that could cause damage or personal injury if not trimmed. The city will contract with the county or an arborist to remove any dangerous branches or trees. Be aware that we may see city employees or contractors wandering in our back yards.
B. Jerry asked Steve to scan and post our lease agreement and maintenance agreement in the blog.
C. The county recently dredged behind Chris’ house, and they need to do it again before spring. Chris will call the county again, but needs a list of specific instructions to give them, such as re-level and regrade and put the boards back in the weir.
7. Adjournment: Judy moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Jerry. The vote was unanimous.
8. The next meeting will be 11:00 AM Saturday, April 14th at Jerry and Terrell’s house with the spring clean-up immediately after.