Saturday, July 31, 2010

MCPAC Minutes July 31, 2010

Mill Creek Pond Action Committee

Meeting Minutes

Saturday July 30, 2010

Present: Steve Norr, Kathy Boysen, Janett Mayo, Kimarie Overall, Jerry McPhee, George Mierisch, Lewis Galway, Michele Johnson, Chris Meeker, Terrell McPhee, Judy Mincher, Ken Mears, Claudia Lemone, Robert Lemone, Lela Fenn, Shelly Norr

Pond Area Issues and Goals:

Steve brought out maps showing who owns what land next to the water. All of the colored areas on the maps are owned by South Salt Lake Redevelopment Agency (SSLRDA), which should provide more cooperation for obtaining our goals. We need a map showing the properties above the creek, behind Cherie and Judy’s homes before we go before the council. Lewis should be able to get this by Monday.

Steve will ask South Salt Lake to remove the dead trees and to provide a new survey. We will schedule a tree-trimming party for the fall clean up if South Salt Lake or the county has not already cleaned out the trees.

Five Reasons to form a homeowners association:

1. Limit access to the property

2. Allow us to use the property

3. Preserve and maintain the nature and quality of the property

4. Approach agencies for grants to maintain and improve the property

5. Take title to the land

Jerry explained the process of forming the homeowners association.

1. The articles of incorporation are public, and the only document we need to go before South Salt Lake. There should be a $50.00 to $100.00 fee to incorporate.

2. Bylaws are personal to us. Any covenants should be handled in the bylaws.

3. The Board of Directors will be elected and will determine how any money will be spent.

4. Existing improvements and fences on homeowner association land will be automatically approved. Future improvements and fences must be approved by the Board of Directors.

5. Future policing of the property should not be affected by forming the homeowners’ association.

6. The county owns the water and will continue to own and be responsible for the water and the land under the water.

Jerry will send a draft of the Millcreek Pond Homeowners Association Bylaws to Steve, who will send it on to everyone else. Be prepared to discuss and make any necessary changes at the next meeting.

Next Meeting Date:

The next meeting will be Saturday, August 7 at10:00 AM at Michele Johnson’s home at 634 East Springview Drive.

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