Saturday, April 16, 2011
Present: Terrell McPhee, Kristy and Jeff Zobell, Chris Meeker, George Mierisch, Lela Fenn, Jerry McPhee, Steve Norr, Michele Johnson, Shelly Norr, Errol Remington, Kay Mattinson, Lewis Galway, Remy Perez, Rocky Perez, Diane St. Clair, Jon Self, Dan Firth, Ken Mears
Excused: Judy Mincher and Kimarie Overall
Everyone introduced themselves.
Officers’ Reports:
a. President’s Report: although things are moving slowly, all is going well and not to worry. The city needs to meet with the county first, but everything should be taken care of sometime this summer. George, Jerry and Steve will invite the South Salt Lake City attorney, the Redevelopment Agency attorney and the Community Development representative to a meeting to show them what we have and what we want to do here.
b. Secretary’s Report: Terrell has kept the records and supplied the minutes and notice of meeting. She spent $15.40 on stamps, but does not want to be reimbursed.
c. Treasurer’s Report: Chris reported that the bank account has $2,480.00 and has earned about $1.00 in interest. We have spent nothing, and have 16 paying members.
Ad Hoc Membership Committee Report: New members in attendance this meeting were Dan Firth, Jon Self, Diane St. Clair, Rocky and Remy Perez, and Kay Mattinson.
Committee of the Trustees Report: The trustees met with the city attorney and went out for coffee,
Extension of the Interim Bylaws: George moved to extend the interim bylaws until next January. The motion was seconded by Shelly and Errol. The vote was unanimous.
Continued Business:
New Business:
a. Spring Clean Up: We can start putting stuff on the curb this Monday. The city will start picking up the following Monday. Ken and Chris need help moving a large tree. Lela thinks she has a chain saw that can be donated to MCPHOA. Michelle has Boy Scouts who need a project.
b. Neighborhood Watch: We need larger Neighborhood Watch signs to be posted on the back fences.
c. Other business:
Jerry said that Public Works plans to add benches and landscape the south shore.
We want to put up fences this summer.
We should post signs to keep dogs and people off the islands and designating the islands as water fowl sanctuaries. Steve said he would design signs and get prices on some signs. Jerry moved to authorize up to $400.00 for as many signs as possible. The motion was seconded by Michelle. The vote was unanimous. Dan, Shelly and Errol formed a committee to call Wildlife Resources to find out what size and color the signs need to be. Steve’s chain saw needs a new chain. Michelle moved to authorize purchase of a new chain for Steve’s saw. The motion was seconded by Jerry. The vote was unanimous.
Jerry will get information on our water quality.
Ken asked if we could buy hardware cloth to wrap the trees. Chris moved to approve the purchase of hardware cloth. The motion was seconded by Michelle and Shelly. The vote was unanimous.
Steve moved to adjourn and start the social. The motion was seconded by Terrell. The vote was unanimous.
The time and date for the next meeting will be determined at a later date.
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