Saturday, March 31, 2012
Present: Terrell McPhee, Chris Meeker, Ken Mears, George Mierisch, Kimarie Overall, Diane St. Clair, Judy Mincher, Stuart Engerman, Alan Bennett, Pam Bennett, Lewis Galway, Shelly Norr, Steve Norr
Officers’ Reports:
a. President’s Report: Steve presented a brief history of MCPAC, which can be read in full on Steve’s Blog. Steve originally met with the City’s RDA attorney, who suggested they would be willing to quit-claim the land to a homeowners’ association. Recently, the city’s attorney said they would be willing to lease the property for $1,500.00 year plus payment in-kind and liability insurance. We have not seen the lease documents, which should have been available a couple of weeks ago. The city has agreed to let us fence off the property.
The city had an appraisal done on the property, and came up with a value of $15,000.00. We have not seen the appraisal, but believe that this is surplus property with no value to anyone other than our association.
b. Secretary’s Report: Terrell has kept the records and supplied the minutes and notice of meeting. We have renewed our license, but still need to file our taxes. George and Kimarie know someone who may be able to help us with the taxes.
c. Treasurer’s Report: Chris reported that we haven’t spent any more money. The bank account has $3,196.91 plus three more checks that haven’t been deposited. We earned $1.27 in interest. Chris will email reminders for dues.
Possible Pond Improvements:
a. The county reviews the pond every two to three years to assess dredging needs. It needs to be dredged again, but that probably won’t happen until this fall.
b. The sign behind Ken’s house is covered in graffiti again. We need to call the city to have it cleaned up.
c. We’re missing a board, and need to consider fencing and signs.
Spring Clean Up:
We can start putting stuff on the curb this Monday. Pick up will start a week from Monday. We need to clean out some dead trees and the junk caught in the Russian olives. Judy needs help with her clean up.
Other Business:
Judy said that someone came into her back yard and stole the gas tank from her barbeque grill. Steve said he would add that to his blog and resend the link to everyone. Rite Aid has painted over their graffiti, but their fence is falling down and needs to be replaced or repaired.
The meeting was adjourned. Several people stayed to clean up trash around the pond, trim trees, and haul stuff to the curb.
Steve will call a meeting/social as soon has he has new information from South Salt Lake.
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