Saturday, April 13, 2013
Present: Matt Bud, Terrell McPhee, Dan Firth, Sydney Firth, Chris Meeker, Shelly Norr, Steve Norr, Stuart Engerman, Carolyn Engerman, Jerry McPhee, Jeff Zobell, Lewis Galway, George Mierisch, Kimarie Overall, Judy Mincher, Errol Remington, Diane St. Clair: Excused: Ken Mears
Officer Bud has been with the South Salt Lake Police department for 16 or 17 years. He told us that our neighborhood already has a Neighborhood Watch Group that meets the first Tuesday of every month at the Pioneer Craft House at 7:00 PM. Jerry Silver is our best contact. He is available from 8:00 AM until 4:00 PM Monday through Thursday.
Officers’ Reports:
A. President’s Report:
1. The lease agreement has been signed, and the council complimented our efforts and wished South Salt Lake had more residents like us. The insurance should be ready by the first of the week. Once the insurance issue is resolved, we will submit all documents to the city. We must insure the land, but not the water, and we must include South Salt Lake on the insurance policy.
2. We need to log at least 40 hours per year on the blog. Steve will track time on the blog, and Terrell will use the data from the blog to create a spread sheet to submit to the city. To access the blog, go to
B. Secretary’s Report:
1. Terrell has kept the records and supplied the minutes and notice of meeting.
2. Jerry moved to accept the minutes of the September 29, 2012 meeting. The motion was seconded by Chris and Shelly. The vote was unanimous.
C. Treasurer’s Report:
1. Chris reported that we have $4,349.90 in our bank account. We spent $373.62 for a chain saw, $50.00 for the dumpsters, and $37.70 for keys.
2. Jerry moved that keys be issued to members in good standing upon the condition that the keys will not be copied, and that they will be returned when the member leaves the association. George seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous.
Plan for 2013:
1. August 5th - night out against crime and block party.
2. September 28th - meeting and fall clean up.
3. We need to increase our attendance at the city council meetings, which are held on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month.
Other Business:
A. The fencing seems to have solved most of the problems. Judy has seen only a half-dozen fishermen since the gates were installed. She feels more secure, but people still climb the Rite Aid fence.
B. George will take on the school nature class, but we must first replace the ties for the stairs and walk-way to the water. They are unsafe and prevent us from complying with our agreement. We need to see if money is available from the Redevelopment Agency for this repair. We need to have this completed by fall of 2013.
C. Steve moved to adjourn the meeting. Errol seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous.
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