MCPHOA Minutes October 10, 2015
Present: Terrell McPhee, Diane St. Clair, Errol Remington, Ken Mears, Steve Norr, Chris Meeker, Charles Galway, George Mierisch, Jerold McPhee, Stuart Engerman, Kimarie Overall, Judy Mincher, Shelly Norr
1. Officers’ Reports:
A. President’s Report:
1. Steve said we need to schedule our planning meeting. It will be at noon on January 9th, 2016 at Jerry and Terrell’s house. We will need all information required by South Salt Lake: pond maintenance hours, proof of license and insurance, and tax records.
2. Steve also wanted confirmation of the Christmas meeting/party, which will be December 12th at Stuart and Carolyn’s house, with the meeting at 6:00 PM and the party immediately after.
B. Secretary’s Report:
Terrell has kept the records and supplied the minutes. The notice of meeting was mailed within the time frame required by MCPHOA bylaws.
Jerry moved to accept the minutes from the June 20th meeting. The motion was seconded by Diane and Judy. The vote was unanimous. Steve will show Terrell how to use the cloud, “Sugar Sinq”, for backing up MCPHOA records. Chris will write a check if there is a cost for this service.
C. Treasurer’s Report: Chris reported that the bank account has $3,698.73 minus $50.00 for dumpster rental. One more member paid today.
2. Other Business:
A. George asked when our contract with the city comes due.
1. Jerry suggested that we approach RDA or the county for bank remuneration.
2. Charles said that the high water caused by the dam accelerates the erosion along the shoreline.
3. Chris suggested that we write letters to RDA and the county to discuss issues such as annual dredging, dam removal and bank remuneration.
4. Jerry will informally ask Lyn for his opinions on these issues.
B. Steve asked if we should open our membership to others who do not live directly on the pond, at 50% of dues to help protect the pond and to help with environmental issues. We would need to change our bylaws to include a second class of members without voting rights. We could create a letter or flyer to pass out to our neighbors, and then document that neighbors had been invited. We could also post on the blog.
1. Chris has a bid for $1,000.00 for rock to repair the walkway.
2. Errol suggested we get something in writing to address rules that would apply to “semi-members” or “neighbor guests”.
3. Steve moved that Errol write the letter of invitation to be reviewed at the next meeting. The motion was seconded by Chris. The vote was unanimous.
C. Rite Aid is no longer a “Stop & Rob” since the city fenced the pond.
D. Charles said that a small tree on 600 East fell on a fence not on HOA property. It appears to have done no damage. Steve said we will look at it. The wood fence by the duplex has fallen down. The fence belongs to the duplex owner, but Steve said he would repair the fence for free.
E. Charles said that the South Davis Sewer District tested our water six months ago. He is trying to find out if that data is available to the public.
F. Steve moved to adjourn the meeting and move on to the fall clean up. The motion was seconded by Kimarie. The vote was unanimous.
The next meeting will be December 12th at Stuart and Carolyn’s house, with the meeting at 6:00 PM and the party immediately after.