Saturday, April 14, 2018
Present: Terrell McPhee, Dallas O’Very, Charles Reynolds, Alli Cartwright, Errol Remington, Alice O’Very, Diane St.Clair, Jerold McPhee, Shelly Norr, Judy Mincher, Ken Mears, Dan Firth, Steve Norr. Excused: Marianna Southey, Todd Grady, George Mierisch, Kimarie Overall, Chris Meeker.
1. Officers’ Reports:
A. President’s Report:
1. Steve said that Mark Kindred, the RDA Chair doesn’t like our lease agreement but won’t vote to open the gates. He also thinks we should let Promise South Salt Lake bring supervised children through the wetlands. Our issue will be put on the RDA agenda sometime this spring. Judy would like the council members to see the property now with all the mud. They need to see that this place is not always beautiful.
2. Steve said that there is a one-hour video of the council meeting where several of us defended this property and our agreement with the city. The video cost $300.00 to produce, and Steve asked if MCPHOA could purchase it. Steve would edit it to 15 to 20 minutes of pertinent discussions. Errol moved to allow us to pay $300.00 for the video. The motion was seconded by Shelly. The vote was unanimous.
3. Steve got an email from Channel 2, and he forwarded it to Bob.
4. Steve reminded everyone to send their hours to Terrell.
B. Secretary’s Report: Terrell has kept the records and supplied the minutes. The notice of meeting was mailed within the time frame required by MCPHOA bylaws. Jerry moved to accept the minutes from the January 27th meeting. Since no one had read the minutes, Shelly moved to table the motion until the next meeting. That motion was seconded by Errol. The vote was unanimous.
C. Treasurer’s Report: Chris got the dumpsters and permits for the clean-up. Steve reported that we have $5,336.00 in the bank, which is about $1,000.00 more than we had this time last year.
2. Other Business:
A. Judy asked about the trees in the creek. Several weeks ago, the city said they would take care of that. Judy also said that she needs a large tree wrapped. Steve said that he could do that today.
B. Ken said that two trees have fallen on a fence.
C. Judy said that some homeless people are hanging out at the old Right-Aide. They have been coming into her yard to get water from her faucet.
D. Jerry said that Channel 7 aired an excellent program called “Leave it to Beavers” showing how important they are for the environment. We recorded the show in case anyone wants to come over and watch it.
3. Adjournment: Judy moved to adjourn the meeting and begin spring clean-up. The motion was seconded by Jerry. The vote was unanimous.
4. The next meeting will be 5:00 PM July 7th at Steve and Shelly’s house, with the neighborhood party immediately after.
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