Saturday, December 7, 2013

MCPHOA Minutes October 5, 2013

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Present: Terrell McPhee, Chris Meeker, Steve Meeker, Shelly Norr, Steve Norr, Stuart Engerman, Lewis Galway, Dan Firth, Ken Mears, Charles Galway, George Mierisch, Kimarie Overall, Jerry McPhee, Eldon Campbell 

Officers’ Reports:

A. President’s Report:  
1. Steve spoke with the city attorney regarding our obligation to continue to maintain the area with a goal towards removing noxious weeds.  Charles has identified 30 species of noxious weeds so far. 
2. We will schedule a meeting in November or December to gather the records for our report to the city and to plan next year’s meetings.
3. The RDA still needs to approve the signs.
4. Jerry moved to accept the lease agreement and to attach it to the records.  The motion was seconded by Steve.  The vote was unanimous.

B. Secretary’s Report: 
1. Terrell has kept the records and supplied the minutes and notice of meeting.  The minutes and the agendas will be posted on the blog for future reference.
2. Jerry moved to accept the minutes of the August 10, 2103 meeting.  The motion was seconded by George.  The vote was unanimous.

C. Treasurer’s Report: 
Chris reported that we still have over $4,235.23 in our bank account. 

Pond Maintenance:

A. Charles talked to Ty Harrison and Erin McCulley from the Jordan River Commission, who suggested we add some shrubs such as elderberry, wild rose and choke cherry.  They also suggested that we remove some Siberian elms to make room for the new plants.  Charles would like to pay Ty for his time and expertise.  Jerry moved to pay up to $200.00.  The motion was seconded by George.  The vote was unanimous.

B.  Chris researched bee ordinances and discovered that South Salt Lake does not have a bee ordinance.  Salt Lake County’s bee ordinance deals only with operations dealing with large honey extraction.  

C. Jerry asked about water quality.  The water was tested three years ago when Judy took a sample to the county for testing.  The water quality is pretty good until ranchers upstream open the canals.  The county is aware of this issue, but doesn’t want to get involved.

Election of Trustee:

Jerry nominated Steve to continue his responsibilities as trustee.  The motion was seconded by Shelly.  The vote was unanimous.

Other Business:

A, Charles asked about our 501-C3 status, if we have a fire plan, and if we have filed 990 forms.  Our 501-C3 paperwork is on file with the state.  We do not have a fire plan.  A fire plan was required in the second version of the lease, but has been deleted from the final lease agreement.  The 990 forms are filed every year by our accountant.

B. Neighborhood Watch is at 7:00 PM on the second Tuesday of each month and is held at the Historic Scott School (formerly the Pioneer Craft House).  Steve encouraged us to become more involved in the program.

C. The meeting was adjourned, and clean-up began.

The next meeting will be at 7:00 PM on Saturday, December 7th, at Stuart and Carolyn’s house.  A holiday party will follow the meeting.

Terrell Hosted the Girl Scouts at the Pond

Here is a thank you letter Terrell received after inviting the Girl Scouts from Troop 2511 & 2283 to explore theMill Creek Pond area in Kayaks.

Friday, October 4, 2013

MCPHOA Minutes August 10, 2013

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Present: Michele Johnson, Terrell McPhee, Chris Meeker, Shelly Norr, Steve Norr, Carolyn Engerman, Lewis Galway, Judy Mincher, Ken Mears, Charles Galway  Excused: George Mierisch, Kimarie Overall 

Officers’ Reports:

A. President’s Report:  
1. The lease agreement has been signed, the insurance conditions have been met, and our in-kind conditions have been met.  Steve will report to Dennis after our fall clean-up.  We still need to deal with signage and access.  Signs must be approved by the city.  Steve will work with the city for approval, and Ken will use baling wire to post the signs. 
2. Friends can be in our back yards any time.  Steve sees no reason to exclude or limit membership, so neighbors who want keys must be members in good standing.

B. Secretary’s Report: 
1. Terrell has kept the records and supplied the minutes and notice of meeting.  The minutes and the agendas will be posted on the blog for future reference.
2. Chris moved to accept the minutes of the April 13, 2103 meeting.  The motion was seconded by Shelly.  The vote was unanimous.
3.  We have received our Annual Report/Renewal Notice, which is due the end of October.  Terrell will renew our information on line before the due date.

C. Treasurer’s Report: 
1. Chris reported that we still have over $4,000.00 in our bank account after spending $373.62 for a chain saw, $50.00 for the dumpsters, $37.70 for keys and $542.00 for insurance.  Our next expenses will be signs and dumpsters, and perhaps a chipper.

Pond Maintenance:

A. 64.5 hours have been logged to date.  Many members have not logged their hours on the blog.  Members may enter their pond maintenance information on the blog or e-mail it to Terrell at and she will enter the information on the blog and the spreadsheet.  To access the blog, go to  

B.  Lewis would like us to rent or buy a chipper so we can turn downed trees into mulch.  Many members would like to use that mulch in their yards.  Lewis will research chipper prices and the benefits of renting versus buying, and will report his findings to the members.  

C. Judy said that some of the wire around stumps is pulling out and needs to be cut off or nailed down.  Trees that were previously cut down are growing back.  Can someone from the team apply stump killer?  Application of stump killer should be part of the clean-up.  Michele said that we need to make sure the stump killer will not pollute the environment.

D. Judy and Terrell both need help removing logs and debris from the water.

E. Charles wanted to know what to do with a fallen tree that he and Lewis cut in half.  The consensus was that they could dispose of the tree just about any way they wanted.

Girl Scout Request:

A couple of Girl Scout troops have asked to use the pond to learn to kayak.  Terrell thought this could satisfy part of our obligation to the city.  Lewis didn’t think this would count as an educational effort.  Steve will put the contract and bylaws on the password-protected part of the blog so we can clarify the issue.  


We decided to table the subject of beekeeping until a member wants to bring the issue to us.  In the meantime, Chris will check with South Salt Lake to find out if we have an ordinance that addresses beekeeping.  

Invasive Species and Mosquito Abatement:

A. Lewis said that our contract with the city states that we must remove non-native and invasive species.  He particularly concerned with the Russian Olives and the damage they do to the Jordan River. We need to check the language in the contract, but also want Jerry’s and Lynn’s opinion on this matter.  Michele suggested that we should follow the city or county storm water management plan.  Michele moved to research the city’s storm water management plan, the language of best management practice related to native and non-native species, and bring the information to the next meeting.  The motion was seconded by Chris and Steve.  The vote was unanimous.

B. Lewis wanted us to know that we can call Mosquito Abatement if we have standing water.  They will check the water, and if necessary, will add pellets that prevent mosquito larvae from maturing.  There is no charge for this service.

Other Business:

The meeting was adjourned.  Our next meeting and fall clean-up will be Saturday, September 28th.  Chris will make arrangements for the dumpsters.


Steve: will report to Dennis after our fall clean-up, work with the city for approval of our signs, and put the contract and bylaws on the password-protected part of the blog.

Steve or Terrell will post the minutes and agendas on the blog.

Terrell: will renew our Annual Report information on line before the end of October.

Chris: will check with South Salt Lake to find out if we have an ordinance that addresses beekeeping and obtain dumpsters for the fall clean-up.  

Michele: will research the city’s storm water management plan, the language of best management practice related to native and non-native species, and bring the information to the next meeting.

Lewis: will research chipper prices and the benefits of renting versus buying, and will report his findings to the members,

Questions from Charles: With Jerry’s answers and comments in red.

Where are copies of bylaws? The by law are interim and have been adopted and re-adopted we need to make them permanent

Is MCPHOA a Fed 501(C)-3 non-profit, or just a Utah non-profit 
MCPHOA is a Federal 501(c)(3) organization

Are there reasons to be a 501(C)-3 non-profit? 
As as 501(c)(3) organization MCPHOA is Income Tax Exempt.

Copy of SSL city contract? I haven’t seen a copy of the executed (signed) contract.  I suspect it will be sent to Steve when it is executed by the City.

Removal of dead trees (or live) on pond-property? 
Tree removal should probably be approved by the board and/or membership.  Tree removal on the island is the responsibility of the county.  Finally, there should be a bank restoration project for the pond as a whole.  This is either the responsibility of the county flood control folks (along with dredging) it is their basin after all or the Army Corps of Engineers.  

There is also a clean water issue.  From time to time we have discussed the condition of the water flowing into the pond.  Perhaps we should take a more active stand regarding the water quality and its effect on wildlife and wildlife habitat.  This is or could be an Environmental Protection Agency issue.

Are we doing a community-open-event (this year)? 
Additional events should be scheduled.  Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and/or school science and biology projects. 

What about the an area that has vegetation stripped off?  Do we need 
to re-seed it?  (It was like that before MCPHOA.  It technically is an 
area that is in MCPHOA management.  We don't really like/approve of 
that happening.  We're not sure what to do about it.)  (We cannot(?) 
lock the back-gate there.)
If reseeding is necessary we should reseed with native plants.  We should make a provision for locking the back gate.

What does anyone know/researched about management for migratory 
water-fowl?  (given that other areas(including Mill-creek), etc are 
concerned about this type issue.)  (No one seems to have done much 
research.  I suggested I'll look into that -- not sure how deep I'll 
Any active management of migratory water-fowl would have to be in conjunction with and with the approval of the US Fish and Wildlife Service and/or Utah Department of Natural Resources.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

MCPHOA Minutes April 13, 2013

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Present: Matt Bud, Terrell McPhee, Dan Firth, Sydney Firth, Chris Meeker, Shelly Norr, Steve Norr, Stuart Engerman, Carolyn Engerman, Jerry McPhee, Jeff Zobell, Lewis Galway, George Mierisch, Kimarie Overall, Judy Mincher, Errol Remington, Diane St. Clair: Excused: Ken Mears 

Officer Bud has been with the South Salt Lake Police department for 16 or 17 years.  He told us that our neighborhood already has a Neighborhood Watch Group that meets the first Tuesday of every month at the Pioneer Craft House at 7:00 PM.  Jerry Silver is our best contact.  He is available from 8:00 AM until 4:00 PM Monday through Thursday. 

Officers’ Reports:

A. President’s Report:  
1. The lease agreement has been signed, and the council complimented our efforts and wished South Salt Lake had more residents like us.   The insurance should be ready by the first of the week.  Once the insurance issue is resolved, we will submit all documents to the city.  We must insure the land, but not the water, and we must include South Salt Lake on the insurance policy.

2. We need to log at least 40 hours per year on the blog.  Steve will track time on the blog, and Terrell will use the data from the blog to create a spread sheet to submit to the city.  To access the blog, go to

B. Secretary’s Report: 
1. Terrell has kept the records and supplied the minutes and notice of meeting.  
2. Jerry moved to accept the minutes of the September 29, 2012 meeting.  The motion was seconded by Chris and Shelly.  The vote was unanimous.

C. Treasurer’s Report: 
1. Chris reported that we have $4,349.90 in our bank account.  We spent $373.62 for a chain saw, $50.00 for the dumpsters, and $37.70 for keys.
2. Jerry moved that keys be issued to members in good standing upon the condition that the keys will not be copied, and that they will be returned when the member leaves the association.   George seconded the motion.  The vote was unanimous.   

Plan for 2013:
1. August 5th - night out against crime and block party.
2. September 28th - meeting and fall clean up.
3. We need to increase our attendance at the city council meetings, which are held on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month.   

Other Business:

A. The fencing seems to have solved most of the problems.  Judy has seen only a half-dozen fishermen since the gates were installed.  She feels more secure, but people still climb the Rite Aid fence.

B. George will take on the school nature class, but we must first replace the ties for the stairs and walk-way to the water.  They are unsafe and prevent us from complying with our agreement.  We need to see if money is available from the Redevelopment Agency for this repair.  We need to have this completed by fall of 2013.

C. Steve moved to adjourn the meeting.  Errol seconded the motion.  The vote was unanimous.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Mill Creek Pond HOA Clean-Up Project

We have 2 dumpsters delivered for our Pond cleanup project. 
One is on 500 East and the other one is in the common area by Chris's house.
Thanks to Ken, Chris, Steve, George and Kimarie the dumpster in the common area was almost full the day before our clean-up project. 

Ken has been working for a couple of weeks in preparation for our clean-up project and he has done an impressive job of cleaning-up this part of the Pond. Thanks Ken!

This is a before picture of the other area of the Pond we will be working on, there is a dead tree in the background that has been laying in the pond for years and the tree in the fore ground has several dead branches hanging from it.

Here is the after picture of this area of the Pond. We removed the dead Russian Olive tree that has been lying in the pond and we removed the dead limbs from the other trees in this area of the pond and we removed several stumps left by the Beavers.

Here are some pictures from our clean up project:

Shelly is ready to get going!

Shelly didn't believe that this dumpster was full.

And of course she was right, all it needed was a little compacting.

Our team sure has this end of the pond looking good!

This Mother Goose just sat tight on her eggs as we worked today.

Here comes Dan with his barge, picking up trash from the Pond.

We are getting rid of the dead Russian Olive tree that has been laying in the Pond.

We also removed all of the dead limbs on the surrounding trees.

Jerry and Shelly are helping to fill the 500 E Trailer.

it's Great to be a part of a neighborhood that is willing to get organized and take responsibility for the common area around our back yards.

It is amazing how much work can get done by a group of neighbors with a Goal!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

MCPHOA Meeting February 16, 2013

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Present: Terrell McPhee, Michele Johnson, Chris Meeker, Shelly Norr, Steve Norr, Stuart Engerman, Ken Mears, Jerry McPhee, Kristy Zobell, Lewis Galway, George Mierisch, Kimarie Overall: Excused: Judy Mincher, Daniel Firth, Sydney Firth 

Officers’ Reports:

A. President’s Report:  
1. Blog: Steve reported that the MCPAC blog is up and running.  He urged everyone to sign up, follow and like the blog.  He gave the password to all members present and will add space where we can track time and work devoted to MCPAC and the homeowners’ association.  Go to to access the blog
2. Lease Agreement: Jerry read our requirements as proposed in the lease agreement.
a. The lease agreement requires us to maintain liability insurance in an amount of not less than $1,000,000.00.  Lewis got a bid for insurance for around $600.00 per year.
b. We discovered that we must have a permit to remove dead wood from the property.  Steve will get the name of a contact so Chris can obtain the permit.  We are hoping any charge for the permit will be waived since we are a non-profit organization. 
c. The lease agreement is for $1,000.00 per year in cash or in-kind, which comes to 40 hours per year at $25.00 per hour.  Time and work will be tracked on the blog and should be approved by the president or vice-president.
e. We need to get an annual work plan to the city by March first, and will need to certify to the city the amount of work done.  This should probably be done by the secretary.  We also need to determine how often this should be reported.
3. Elect new VP: Judith has asked to be released from her position as vice-president.  Michele declined nomination because of her hectic schedule.  Shelly moved to elect Stuart as vice-president.  The motion was seconded by Chris.  The vote was unanimous.
4. Fencing: Steve reported that all of the fencing we requested has been furnished except for near Ken’s and Judy’s homes.  The county will not approve fencing that runs against the water.  Perhaps we could volunteer to help improve the fencing by Rite Aid.  Ken asked who will have keys, and who will post signs.  The city, county and MCPAC will have keys.  The city will post “no trespassing” signs.  Michele wants some signs posted by her place.  The “no swimming - rapid water” sign needs to be removed.  It has been tagged and cleaned so many times that it can’t be read.
5. Neighborhood police officer: We will invite our neighborhood police officer to our meetings.  Terrell will need his name and address so he can be added to the mailing list.

B. Secretary’s Report: 
1. Terrell has kept the records and supplied the minutes and notice of meeting.  
2. Jerry moved to accept the minutes of the September 29, 2012 meeting.  The motion was seconded by George.  The vote was unanimous.

C. Treasurer’s Report: 
1. Chris reported that our taxes have been completed and submitted.  She will email the account numbers.  
2. Lewis moved to purchase a new chain saw for MCPAC.  The motion was seconded by Michele.  The vote was unanimous.

Plan for 2013:
 We scheduled three meetings and two clean up sessions.
1. April 13th - meeting and spring clean up.
2. August 5th - night out against crime and block party.
3. September 28th - meeting and fall clean up.
4. We all need to attend the RDA meeting.  Steve will send a notice when the meeting has been scheduled. 
5. We need to increase our attendance at the city council meetings, which are held on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month.   

Other Business:

1. Ken moved that we let Steve know how much we appreciate all the work he does for MCPAC and MCPHOA.  The motion was seconded by Jerry.  The vote was unanimous.
2. Chris reported that the county told her the pond would be dredged last fall after they finished using the equipment for other projects.  The dredging has not been started and is overdue.


1. Jerry will review the liability insurance policy. 
2. Terrell will come up with a work plan for the year to be presented to the city.  Terrell will add our neighborhood police officer’s name and address to our mailing list.
3. Steve will get the name of a contact so Chris can obtain a permit that will allow us to clean up dead wood around the pond.  Steve will add a space on the blog for tracking time and work.  Steve will get our neighborhood police officer’s name and address to Terrell.  Steve will send a notice when the RDA meeting has been scheduled.
4. Chris will obtain a permit that will allow us to clean up dead wood around the pond.  Chris will arrange for clean-up dumpsters through Christy Bascomb in South Salt Lake Utilities.  Chris will email financial numbers to Steve or Terrell. 

The meeting was adjourned.  

Friday, February 15, 2013

Pond Area update for our next Meeting

Our lease agreement with the City is completed and has been submitted for RDA approval, this will be on the agenda in an upcoming meeting of the RDA.

The RDA has approved and installed fencing around the entire Pond Area. This process required County Flood Control approval and after talking with Dennis Pay SSL Public Works Director, he said that the County has been very cooperative with fencing the area off and has agreed to let us lock the gates as long as they have a key. The City will be installing the locks and they will get keys to the County and to MCPHOA.

The one area that the County would not approve was putting another fence buy The 
Rite Aid property line because they don't want fences that could catch derbies 
in high water situations. 

At our meeting we will brainstorm ideas to protect us from people climbing the fence 
after robbing the Rite Aid Pharmacy then we will submit our Ideas to our the SSL 
Police Officer that is assigned to our neighborhood to get his suggestions and help.

We will also plan our meetings and activities for 2013

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Great Blue Heron

This Great Blue Heron has been hanging out in this tree
over the Pond for the last couple of days.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

MCPHOA Minutes 9-29-12

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Present: Terrell McPhee, Judy Mincher, Shelly Norr, Daniel Firth, Sydney Firth, Ken Mears, George Mierisch, Kimarie Overall, Lewis Galway, Chris Meeker, Jerold McPhee, Steve Norr   

Officers’ Reports:
A. President’s Report:  
1. Steve reported that cast iron fencing has been approved and will be paid for by the city.  We are waiting for county approval, and then the city must get bids before fencing can be installed.  Double fencing at Rite Aid should cut down on trespassers entering from that point.
2. Jerry read the proposed lease agreement in full.   The agreement will not be signed without an in-kind dollar amount in paragraph 3.  In-kind minimum lease was suggested at $500.00 to $1,000.00 per year, with a value of $25.00 per hour for our labor.  Section10.c. is not applicable and will be removed or changed.  
a. The lease agreement requires us to maintain liability insurance in an amount of not less than $1,000,000.00.  Lewis is getting insurance bids.
b. Jerry suggested that we present an annual report to the city. 
c. Chris suggested that we inventory trees, existing fences, and any problems that need attention before signing the lease agreement. 
d. Judy asked if we needed a protocol for dealing with the police and flood control.  Steve said that the protocol is already in place.
e. We need to track and record whenever we take care of the property.  Steve will put a blog where all of us can post and track activities, grievances, etc.
B. Secretary’s Report: 
1. Terrell has kept the records and supplied the minutes and notice of meeting.  
2. Our business license was renewed in a timely manner.
C. Treasurer’s Report: 
1. Chris reported that we spent $275.00 for tax preparation and $47.50 on copies for taxes.  The bank account has $3,167.50.  
2. Only six people have paid dues to date.  We will have a dues drive after the fencing is complete.
3. We have 120 days after October first to file our taxes.  Chris will e-mail the person who prepared our last taxes, and will make arrangements to have them done in a timely manner.

  Steve moved to accept the proposed lease agreement with the changes discussed in the meeting.  The motion was seconded by Chris.  The vote was unanimous.  Jerry moved to authorize Steve to execute the lease agreement upon it’s approval.  The motion was seconded by Lewis.  The vote was unanimous.  Jerry moved that George be the only candidate for the two year trustee position.  The motion was seconded by Steve.   The vote was unanimous.  Steve moved that Judy be appointed vice-president.  The motion was seconded by Jerry.   The vote was unanimous.   

1. Steve will make a blog available to all members to post and track activities, grievances, etc.
2. Terrell will post minutes on the blog.
3. George will make the changes to the proposed lease agreement and return it to Steve by e-mail. 
4. Lewis will get bids for liability insurance.
5. Chris will make arrangement to have our taxes prepared and filed before the end of the year.

Fall Clean-up:
October 30-November 1, dumpsters will be at the following addresses for 1.5 days.
3129 S. 540 E.
584 E. Bulrush Way
3137 S. Park Ct.
October 31-November 2, dumpsters will be at the following addresses for 1.5 days.
3175 S. 600 E.
3165 S. Green St.
604 E. Mansfield
676 E. Mansfield

The meeting was adjourned, and the fall social began.  

Benson & Mattie

Benson & Mattie love to go out with me on the Pond!

Summer on the Mill Creek Pond

MCPHOA Minutes 3-31-12

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Present: Terrell McPhee, Chris Meeker, Ken Mears, George Mierisch, Kimarie Overall, Diane St. Clair, Judy Mincher, Stuart Engerman, Alan Bennett, Pam Bennett, Lewis Galway, Shelly Norr, Steve Norr   

Officers’ Reports:
a. President’s Report:  Steve presented a brief history of MCPAC, which can be read in full on Steve’s Blog.  Steve originally met with the City’s RDA attorney, who suggested they would be willing to quit-claim the land to a homeowners’ association.                       Recently, the city’s attorney said they would be willing to lease the property for $1,500.00 year plus payment in-kind and liability insurance.  We have not seen the lease documents, which should have been available a couple of weeks ago.   The city has agreed to let us fence off the property.
The city had an appraisal done on the property, and came up with a value of $15,000.00.  We have not seen the appraisal, but believe that this is surplus property with no value to anyone other than our association.
b. Secretary’s Report: Terrell has kept the records and supplied the minutes and notice of meeting.  We have renewed our license, but still need to file our taxes.  George and Kimarie know someone who may be able to help us with the taxes.
c. Treasurer’s Report: Chris reported that we haven’t spent any more money.  The bank account has $3,196.91 plus three more checks that haven’t been deposited.  We earned $1.27 in interest.  Chris will email reminders for dues.

Possible Pond Improvements:
a. The county reviews the pond every two to three years to assess dredging needs.  It needs to be dredged again, but that probably won’t happen until this fall.
b. The sign behind Ken’s house is covered in graffiti again.  We need to call the city to have it cleaned up.
c. We’re missing a board, and need to consider fencing and signs.

Spring Clean Up: 
We can start putting stuff on the curb this Monday.  Pick up will start a week from Monday.  We need to clean out some dead trees and the junk caught in the Russian olives.  Judy needs help with her clean up.

Other Business:
Judy said that someone came into her back yard and stole the gas tank from her barbeque grill.  Steve said he would add that to his blog and resend the link to everyone.  Rite Aid has painted over their graffiti, but their fence is falling down and needs to be replaced or repaired.

The meeting was adjourned.  Several people stayed to clean up trash around the pond, trim trees, and haul stuff to the curb.

Steve will call a meeting/social as soon has he has new information from South Salt Lake.