Wednesday, June 22, 2016

MCPHOA Minutes, May 7, 2016

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Present: Terrell McPhee, Judy Mincher, Diane St.Clair, Shelly Norr, Kimarie Overall, George Mierisch, Stuart Engerman, Carolyn Engerman, Steve Norr, Charles Galway, Jerold McPhee, Errol Remington, Ken Mears

1. Officers’ Reports:
A. President’s Report:    
a. Steve asked if our lease agreement needs to go before the city council.  Jerry said that Dennis has to be the first to approve the contract.  Per Jerry and the city attorney, this should just be an extension of our current agreement, and we should ask for more than five years. 
b. Sections of wood fencing are down along the property line between the renters and the homeowners’ association.  It shouldn’t cost more than $200.00 for two posts and materials to repair the fence.  Shelly will call the landlord to make sure it’s OK for us to repair the fence.  Steve will get measurements.  Charles will price the materials.
c. We need to document the positive aspects of our homeowners’ association and contract with the city.  Judy was robbed twice prior to our agreement with the city, but has had no problems since.  She will email that information to Steve.

B.  Secretary’s Report: Terrell has kept the records and supplied the minutes.  The notice of meeting was mailed within the time frame required by MCPHOA bylaws.  Jerry moved to accept the minutes from the January 9th meeting.  The motion was seconded by George and Carolyn.  The vote was unanimous.   

B. Treasurer’s Report:  Terrell reported for Chris that our bank balance is $4,862.86.  The total amount received for 2015/2016 dues is $1,440.00.  Chris wrote check number 1031 for $80.00 to Schofield Taxes for taxes and check number 1032 for $50.00 to South Salt Lake for dumpsters. 

2.  Pond Maintenance:  
A. We need 40 hours to meet the requirement for our lease agreement.  George and Kimarie spent 3 hours on the school education requirement.  Judy spent 2 hours on clean-up.  Steve and Shelly spent 2 hours each on the school education requirement and clean-up.  Diane and Errol put in 1 hour each.  Steve and Jerry put in 1 hour each on the nesting box.
B. There are trees needing removal by Ken’s house and the McPhees’ house.
C. We always have a dredging issue.

3.   School Education Requirement:  Twelve children from Scott School participated in our school education program.  Next year we will start earlier and meet with Trina ahead of time to prepare the children for the program.

4.  Neighborhood Fliers:  Errol will update the fliers to say RSVP to attend.  He will e-mail the finished flier to Steve, who will e-mail them to the rest of us.  We should have no more than 50 fliers printed.  We want to distribute them to our neighbors by June 30th.

5.  Other Business:
A. Errol and Charles commented on the Russian olives.  We need to keep them under control and should trim them back every year.

B. Stuart said that someone moved their trash bins back to their house before the trash was picked up.  No one else has experienced this.

C. George suggested that at the next meeting we discuss long-term projects, feasibility and hours

6.  Adjournment:  Stuart moved to adjourn the meeting.  The motion was seconded by Jerry.  The vote was unanimous.   

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