Monday, May 31, 2010

MCPAC Meeting Minutes Saturday May 29, 2010

Mill Creek Pond Action Committee

Meeting Minutes

Saturday May 29, 2010

Present: Steve Norr, Lela Fenn, Kathy Boysen, Ken Mears, Kimarie Overall, George Mierisch, Judy Mincher, Shelly Norr, Lela Johnsen, Larry Gardner, Lewis Galway, Terrell McPhee, Errol Remington

Pond Area Issues and Goals:

Larry Gardner brought maps of our neighborhood and the Mill Creek Pond area.

1. The city will support our efforts to secure and protect the Mill Creek Pond area.

2. We need a neighborhood or homeowners’ association.

A. Involve everyone who backs the water.

B. Must be official. Jerry McPhee has agreed to do the legal work.

C. Collect dues. An amount of $5.00 per month was suggested.

D. Craig Smith is the Redevelopment Agency’s attorney and may be able to assist.

3. The Redevelopment Agency might be willing to quit-claim land to the homeowners or the association.

4. Once the association’s paperwork is in place, we will need to bring this to the Mayor and city attorney. Errol and Steve have met with the Mayor and will meet with her again.

5. We will try to secure the whole pond.

Michele Johnsen said we need a storm water maintenance ordinance. She will get information from the University of Utah’s storm water maintenance ordinance for us.

Neighbor Granite High and Neighborhood Plan:

Steve brought maps of the Granite High area and some proposed uses. Our attendance at Tuesday’s Neighborhood Outreach Meeting is critical. The meeting will be June 1st at 6:30 PM in the Granite High cafeteria.

1. South Salt Lake has first right of refusal to purchase the property but the County will likely be a partner to some degree.

2. The county is determined to improve access to the Mill Creek Pond.

3. On of the maps shows, hopefully as a worst case scenario, rezoning some residential properties to commercial.

We are pleased with our city’s new administration’s effort to involve the community in the decision-making process.

Next Meeting Date:

Steve will send an email after the next city council meeting to determine if there is an urgent need to meet or if we can wait until July.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Monday, May 24, 2010

Trees and Snow in May Don't Mix

Is Errol building a fence or is this from the snow?

This is a photo of the Tree behind Errols house last week
notice the large section on the left.

This is the same tree today!
The left section is on the ground.
After talking to Errol I found out this is the result
of the snow we had this morning.

What a mess!
We will have something intresting to see
on our walk around the Pond at Saturday's
MCPAC Meeting.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

We have a Turtle in our Pond

I caught this Turtle sunbathing on the island.


This Muskrat has developed a taste
for Shelly's Duck Food!

Friday, May 14, 2010


Nice shot George
We have several visiting Quail here this year,
thankfully this bird poised for George on his deck.

Great Blue Heron

George caught this Blue Heron here last year

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Pelagic Cormorant

Shelly spotted this unusual bird and took these pic's today.
This bird can leap directly into flight from water
without running and flapping across the surface.

Click on Photo to enlarge
The Pelagic Cormorant is usually only found on the West Coast.
I wonder what he is doing here, he has been here for a couple of days
as far as we know, have you saw this type of bird here before?

Sharp-Shinned Hawk

We spotted this Hawk outside of our upstairs window today.
These birds are often attracted to concentrations of small birds.