Monday, March 31, 2014

MCPHOA Minutes February 15, 2014

Saturday February 15 2014

Present: Terrell McPhee, Stuart Engerman, Chris Meeker, Dan Firth, Sydney Firth, Shelly Norr, Steve Norr, Ken Mears, Charles Galway, George Mierisch, Kimarie Overall, Jerry McPhee, Lewis Galway, Michele Johnson

  1. 1. Officers’ Reports:
A. President’s Report:  
1. Steve has not heard anything from the city since he submitted our work records.  He will ask for acknowledgement from the city when he submits our 2014 plan and schedule.
2. We need written verbiage for the signs.  Steve suggested 
“No Trespassing”
“Mill Creek Flood Retention Area”
Steve moved to buy ten signs in a standard size.  The motion was      seconded by Ken.  The vote was unanimous.
3. Steve will send the sign information to Ken.
4. Steve asked for a copy of our mailing list.  Terrell will email the list to Steve.
B. Secretary’s Report: 
1. Terrell has kept the records and supplied the minutes.  The notice of meeting was mailed within the timeframe required by MCPHOA bylaws.  The minutes and the agendas will be posted on the blog for future reference.
2. Jerry moved to accept the minutes from the October meeting.  The motion was seconded by Chris.  The vote was unanimous.
3. Jerry moved to accept the minutes from the December meeting.  The motion was seconded by Michele.  The vote was unanimous.
C. Treasurer’s Report: 
1. Chris reported that we have $4,411.18 in our bank account, plus dues   received from five members.  We now have ten members in good standing. 
2. Our accountant has moved to Mesquite, Nevada.  Chris moved that we stay with Jane for our taxes.  The motion was seconded by Shelly.  The vote was unanimous.
  1. 2. Change Bylaws to Calendar Year:
Jerry will change the bylaws from fiscal year to calendar year.  Our taxes for fiscal 2013 have been filed.  We will need to file taxes for the last three months of 2013 calendar year.  Chris will need to get the financial records for October, November, and December to Jane.  Stuart moved to file taxes for the last three months of 2013 calendar year.  The motion was seconded by Shelly.  The vote was unanimous.

  1. 3. Schedule for 2014 Meetings and Work Plan:
  1. A. April 26th ( Re-Scheduled to April 12th via email )11:00 AM meeting, 12:00 PM clean up
Jerry and Terrell’s deck
Chris will reserve trailers.
  1. B. June 28th: 4:00 PM block party
Craft House, Fits Park, or 535 East 3195 South
Steve will create invitations.
Chris and Kimarie will hand deliver invitations.
  1. C. September 20th: 11:00 AM meeting, 12:00 PM clean up
Steve and Shelly’s deck
Chris will reserve trailers
  1. D. December 6th: 5:00 PM meeting, 6:00 PM party
Place to be determined

  1. 4. Shredder-Chipper:
Do we want to rent a shredder-chipper for the spring clean-up?  Jerry will need to look at our liability policy.  George and Lewis will call their “tree  guys” for a cost estimate to chip our branches.  We ultimately decided to neither rent a shredder-chipper nor pay to have someone else chip our branches.  We will clean-up as we have in the past.

  1. 5. Reseeding and Reinforcing Creek Bank:
  1. A. Chris was told that the county would give her seed to take care of the area behind her house.  George will follow up with the county on this issue.  Other areas that need reseeding are behind Louis’, Charles’, Errol’s, Michele’s and Jerry and Terrell’s homes.
  1. B. Judy thinks we should wait to reseed until after the spring run-off.  Charles said that should not be a concern.  If we wait too long, the soil will be like cement.  If we seed sooner and rake the dirt over the seeds, we should have no problems, but we do need to get this done soon.
  1. C. Steve moved to see how much seed the county will donate and buy up to $100.00 worth of seed for the rest of us.  The motion was seconded by Kimarie.  The vote was unanimous
  1. D. There are a lot of trees in need of wrapping again.
  1. 6. Donations:
Louis needs a receipt for removal of trees.  Jerry moved that Chris issue an acknowledgement, signed by the president, that Lewis had trees removed from MCPHOA property.  No value will be listed.  The motion was seconded  by Stewart.  The motion passed with three abstentions.

  1. 7. Other Business:
  1. A. Charles will organize the schools for this spring’s educational requirement.  Charles will instruct, and MCPHOA will donate a couple of chaperones.  This should be done before the end of the school year.
  2. B. The stairs need to be repaired or replaced.  The city has repaired them in the past.  Steve will talk to Dennis about repairing the stairs with rail road ties.  This should be done before the end of the school year.
  3. C. Steve will create a flier to invite others to join MCPHOA.  Chris and Kimarie volunteered to pass out the fliers.
  4. D. Terrell will start a new spread sheet to track pond maintenance.
  5. E. Steve moved to adjourn the meeting.  The motion was seconded by Jerry.  The vote was unanimous.

The next meeting will be at 11:00 AM on Saturday, April 12th, at Jerry and Terrell’s house.  Spring clean-up will follow at noon.

Good Bye Winter

What a great photo captured by Carolyn!