Thursday, February 21, 2013

MCPHOA Meeting February 16, 2013

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Present: Terrell McPhee, Michele Johnson, Chris Meeker, Shelly Norr, Steve Norr, Stuart Engerman, Ken Mears, Jerry McPhee, Kristy Zobell, Lewis Galway, George Mierisch, Kimarie Overall: Excused: Judy Mincher, Daniel Firth, Sydney Firth 

Officers’ Reports:

A. President’s Report:  
1. Blog: Steve reported that the MCPAC blog is up and running.  He urged everyone to sign up, follow and like the blog.  He gave the password to all members present and will add space where we can track time and work devoted to MCPAC and the homeowners’ association.  Go to to access the blog
2. Lease Agreement: Jerry read our requirements as proposed in the lease agreement.
a. The lease agreement requires us to maintain liability insurance in an amount of not less than $1,000,000.00.  Lewis got a bid for insurance for around $600.00 per year.
b. We discovered that we must have a permit to remove dead wood from the property.  Steve will get the name of a contact so Chris can obtain the permit.  We are hoping any charge for the permit will be waived since we are a non-profit organization. 
c. The lease agreement is for $1,000.00 per year in cash or in-kind, which comes to 40 hours per year at $25.00 per hour.  Time and work will be tracked on the blog and should be approved by the president or vice-president.
e. We need to get an annual work plan to the city by March first, and will need to certify to the city the amount of work done.  This should probably be done by the secretary.  We also need to determine how often this should be reported.
3. Elect new VP: Judith has asked to be released from her position as vice-president.  Michele declined nomination because of her hectic schedule.  Shelly moved to elect Stuart as vice-president.  The motion was seconded by Chris.  The vote was unanimous.
4. Fencing: Steve reported that all of the fencing we requested has been furnished except for near Ken’s and Judy’s homes.  The county will not approve fencing that runs against the water.  Perhaps we could volunteer to help improve the fencing by Rite Aid.  Ken asked who will have keys, and who will post signs.  The city, county and MCPAC will have keys.  The city will post “no trespassing” signs.  Michele wants some signs posted by her place.  The “no swimming - rapid water” sign needs to be removed.  It has been tagged and cleaned so many times that it can’t be read.
5. Neighborhood police officer: We will invite our neighborhood police officer to our meetings.  Terrell will need his name and address so he can be added to the mailing list.

B. Secretary’s Report: 
1. Terrell has kept the records and supplied the minutes and notice of meeting.  
2. Jerry moved to accept the minutes of the September 29, 2012 meeting.  The motion was seconded by George.  The vote was unanimous.

C. Treasurer’s Report: 
1. Chris reported that our taxes have been completed and submitted.  She will email the account numbers.  
2. Lewis moved to purchase a new chain saw for MCPAC.  The motion was seconded by Michele.  The vote was unanimous.

Plan for 2013:
 We scheduled three meetings and two clean up sessions.
1. April 13th - meeting and spring clean up.
2. August 5th - night out against crime and block party.
3. September 28th - meeting and fall clean up.
4. We all need to attend the RDA meeting.  Steve will send a notice when the meeting has been scheduled. 
5. We need to increase our attendance at the city council meetings, which are held on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month.   

Other Business:

1. Ken moved that we let Steve know how much we appreciate all the work he does for MCPAC and MCPHOA.  The motion was seconded by Jerry.  The vote was unanimous.
2. Chris reported that the county told her the pond would be dredged last fall after they finished using the equipment for other projects.  The dredging has not been started and is overdue.


1. Jerry will review the liability insurance policy. 
2. Terrell will come up with a work plan for the year to be presented to the city.  Terrell will add our neighborhood police officer’s name and address to our mailing list.
3. Steve will get the name of a contact so Chris can obtain a permit that will allow us to clean up dead wood around the pond.  Steve will add a space on the blog for tracking time and work.  Steve will get our neighborhood police officer’s name and address to Terrell.  Steve will send a notice when the RDA meeting has been scheduled.
4. Chris will obtain a permit that will allow us to clean up dead wood around the pond.  Chris will arrange for clean-up dumpsters through Christy Bascomb in South Salt Lake Utilities.  Chris will email financial numbers to Steve or Terrell. 

The meeting was adjourned.  

Friday, February 15, 2013

Pond Area update for our next Meeting

Our lease agreement with the City is completed and has been submitted for RDA approval, this will be on the agenda in an upcoming meeting of the RDA.

The RDA has approved and installed fencing around the entire Pond Area. This process required County Flood Control approval and after talking with Dennis Pay SSL Public Works Director, he said that the County has been very cooperative with fencing the area off and has agreed to let us lock the gates as long as they have a key. The City will be installing the locks and they will get keys to the County and to MCPHOA.

The one area that the County would not approve was putting another fence buy The 
Rite Aid property line because they don't want fences that could catch derbies 
in high water situations. 

At our meeting we will brainstorm ideas to protect us from people climbing the fence 
after robbing the Rite Aid Pharmacy then we will submit our Ideas to our the SSL 
Police Officer that is assigned to our neighborhood to get his suggestions and help.

We will also plan our meetings and activities for 2013