Wednesday, June 19, 2019

2019 Student Pond Tour

We had our annual student Pond tour on May 14, 2019 and all of the students from the Scott School had a great time. Kimarie and George did a great job of educating them about all of the wildlife that we share this area with.

MCPHOA Minutes April 13, 2019

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Present: Terrell McPhee, Dallas O’Very, Alice O’Very, Errol Remington, Steve Norr, Shelly Norr, Chris Meeker, Kimarie Overall, Bonnie Nielson, Marianna Southey, Todd Grady, Judy Mincher, George Mierisch, Ken Mears, Kay Mattison, Jerold McPhee

1. Officers’ Reports:
A. President’s Report: 
1. Steve gave our yearly report to Dennis Pay with SSL.  
2. For the rest of 2019 we will just continue with what we’re doing.
3. Steve worked 1.5 hours in April, Shelly worked 5 hours, Marianna worked 3 hours, Chris worked 3 hours, and Dallas worked 1 hour last weekend.

B.  Secretary’s Report: Terrell has kept the records and supplied the minutes.  The notice of meeting was mailed within the time frame required by MCPHOA bylaws. Jerry moved to accept the minutes from the January 12th meeting.  The motion was seconded by Dallas.  The vote was unanimous.   

C. Treasurer’s Report: 
1. We have $5,340.68 in the bank.  
2.    Chris obtained the cleanup permits.  The county has a new engineer, which meant filling out new paperwork.
3.    Chris will look into insuring the officers.

Other Business: 
A. Jerry said that the city paid for tree trimming at the apartments and left a lot of junk.  
We need to clean that out.     
George, Jerry and Steve were asked to meet  with the city attorney and Dennis Pay three years ago to talk about tree maintenance. 
B. Chris has submitted our taxes, and they are almost done.
C. Judy said that she heard that Rite Aid will become a fitness center with new fencing

3. Adjournment:  Chris moved to adjourn the meeting and start the spring cleanup.  The motion was seconded by Judy.  The vote was unanimous.  

4. The next meeting will be 5:00 PM Saturday, July 6th at Steve and Shelly’s house, with the summer party immediately after.