Sunday, February 26, 2017

Deferred Maintenance

 The blockage in the Pond is the worst it has ever been this year. The water level behind the blockage has risen about 2 feet. A few neighbors are reaching out to Salt Lake County Flood Control asking them to deal with this differed maintenance before the spring runoff comes.

MCPHOA is only responsible for the maintenance of the common area between the water and our property lines.

Salt Lake County Flood Control is responsible for maintaining the waterway and keeping it free of blockage, they do a great job at the Weir and at 500 East but we usually have to call repeatedly to get the maintenance of this shallow part of the Pond.

Salt Lake County Flood Control Supervisor: Richard Judson 385-468-6578
Field Supervisor: Dale Timothy 385-468-6579

2017 Schedule of Events