Saturday, December 7, 2013

MCPHOA Minutes October 5, 2013

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Present: Terrell McPhee, Chris Meeker, Steve Meeker, Shelly Norr, Steve Norr, Stuart Engerman, Lewis Galway, Dan Firth, Ken Mears, Charles Galway, George Mierisch, Kimarie Overall, Jerry McPhee, Eldon Campbell 

Officers’ Reports:

A. President’s Report:  
1. Steve spoke with the city attorney regarding our obligation to continue to maintain the area with a goal towards removing noxious weeds.  Charles has identified 30 species of noxious weeds so far. 
2. We will schedule a meeting in November or December to gather the records for our report to the city and to plan next year’s meetings.
3. The RDA still needs to approve the signs.
4. Jerry moved to accept the lease agreement and to attach it to the records.  The motion was seconded by Steve.  The vote was unanimous.

B. Secretary’s Report: 
1. Terrell has kept the records and supplied the minutes and notice of meeting.  The minutes and the agendas will be posted on the blog for future reference.
2. Jerry moved to accept the minutes of the August 10, 2103 meeting.  The motion was seconded by George.  The vote was unanimous.

C. Treasurer’s Report: 
Chris reported that we still have over $4,235.23 in our bank account. 

Pond Maintenance:

A. Charles talked to Ty Harrison and Erin McCulley from the Jordan River Commission, who suggested we add some shrubs such as elderberry, wild rose and choke cherry.  They also suggested that we remove some Siberian elms to make room for the new plants.  Charles would like to pay Ty for his time and expertise.  Jerry moved to pay up to $200.00.  The motion was seconded by George.  The vote was unanimous.

B.  Chris researched bee ordinances and discovered that South Salt Lake does not have a bee ordinance.  Salt Lake County’s bee ordinance deals only with operations dealing with large honey extraction.  

C. Jerry asked about water quality.  The water was tested three years ago when Judy took a sample to the county for testing.  The water quality is pretty good until ranchers upstream open the canals.  The county is aware of this issue, but doesn’t want to get involved.

Election of Trustee:

Jerry nominated Steve to continue his responsibilities as trustee.  The motion was seconded by Shelly.  The vote was unanimous.

Other Business:

A, Charles asked about our 501-C3 status, if we have a fire plan, and if we have filed 990 forms.  Our 501-C3 paperwork is on file with the state.  We do not have a fire plan.  A fire plan was required in the second version of the lease, but has been deleted from the final lease agreement.  The 990 forms are filed every year by our accountant.

B. Neighborhood Watch is at 7:00 PM on the second Tuesday of each month and is held at the Historic Scott School (formerly the Pioneer Craft House).  Steve encouraged us to become more involved in the program.

C. The meeting was adjourned, and clean-up began.

The next meeting will be at 7:00 PM on Saturday, December 7th, at Stuart and Carolyn’s house.  A holiday party will follow the meeting.

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