Tuesday, April 21, 2015

MCPHOA Minutes Feb. 7, 2015

Saturday February 7, 2015

Present: Terrell McPhee, Sydney Firth, Jerold McPhee, Stuart Engerman, Kimarie Overall, George Mierisch, Daniel Firth, Shelly Norr, Steve Norr, Errol Remington, Chris Meeker, Charles Galway.  Judy Mincher and Ken Mears asked to be excused.

  1. Officers’ Reports:

A.   President’s Report:  Steve needs our schedule of meetings and activities, and proof of renewal for insurance and business license to take to South Salt Lake.

B. Secretary’s Report:
1. Terrell has kept the records and supplied the minutes.  The notice of meeting was mailed within the time frame required by MCPHOA bylaws.
2. Jerry moved to accept the minutes from the December meeting.  The motion was seconded by Chris.  The vote was unanimous.

B. Treasurer’s Report:
1. Two more members paid dues today.
2. Chris will e-mail the financial records to Steve.
3. Chris will call the county to clear the blockage and the dead tree prior to our April clean-up. 

  1. Schedule Meetings and Activities:

A.   April 25th is spring clean-up.  We will meet at Jerry and Terrell’s deck for a quick meeting, with clean-up immediately afterward.  Dumpsters should be placed in front of the McPhees’ and behind the Meekers’ homes.
B.    June 27th will be our summer party.  We will meet at Steve and Shelly’s deck at 2:00 PM for a quick meeting, with the party starting at 2:30 PM.  We will hand out fliers in each area, and the menu will be “pot luck”.
C.    Education for school children should be in May or September. 
1.     Chris moved that we produce an organized program for the education.  The motion was seconded by Jerry.  The vote was unanimous.
2.     A committee consisting of Charles, Errol, George, Kimarie and Steve will be responsible for organizing and carrying out the education.  George and Kimarie will coordinate the efforts.
D.   October 10th will be the fall clean-up.  Locations will be determined at a later date.
E.    December 12th will be our Christmas party.  We will meet at Stuart and Carolyn’s house at 6:00 PM for a quick meeting, with the party starting afterward.

  1. Budget:

A.   Jerry moved to authorize MCPHOA to spend up to $100.00 on native seeds, which need to be planted as soon as possible.  The motion was seconded by Stuart.    The vote was unanimous.
B.    Jerry moved to authorize spending $50.00 twice yearly for dumpsters for our spring and fall clean-ups.  The motion was seconded by Stuart.  The vote was unanimous.
C.    Jerry moved to authorize spending up to $50.00 to print fliers for the summer party.  The motion was seconded by Terrell.  The vote was unanimous.
D.   Shelly moved to authorize spending up to $100.00 to help with the cost of parties.  The motion was seconded by Chris.  The vote was unanimous.
E.    Jerry moved to authorize spending up to $150.00 per year for postage and office supplies, with the treasurer authorized to pay upon receipt.  The motion was seconded by Shelly.  The vote was unanimous.
F.    Jerry moved to authorize spending $1000.00 per year for insurance and administrative fees to include corporate renewal, accountant and tax preparation.  The motion was seconded by Kimarie.  The vote was unanimous.
G.   Shelly moved to authorize $140.00 to renew our notary for four more years.  The motions was seconded by Jerry.  The vote was unanimous.

  1. Other Business:

A.   Charles needs the number for the people responsible for testing the purity of the water.
B.    Jerry moved to adjourn the meeting.  The motion was seconded by Terrell.  The vote was unanimous.

C.    The next meeting will be at 11:00 AM on Saturday, April 25th at Jerry and Terrell’s house, with spring clean-up immediately afterward.

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