Friday, February 1, 2019

MCPHOA Minutes January 12, 2019

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Present: Terrell McPhee, Jerold McPhee, Shelly Norr, Steve Norr, Chris Meeker, Errol Remington, Kimarie Overall, Chip Reynolds, Dallas O’Very, Alice O’Very, Eldon Campbell, Dianne St. Clair, George Mierisch, Judy Mincher, Marianna Southey, Alli Cartwright, Todd Grady, Cherie Wood

  1. City Business:   Two city employees were here to address the issue of beavers.  
A.    County won’t remove the dam until the beavers are gone.  There is currently a trap in the water.  They can’t do “catch and release”, because the city would be liable for any damage done wherever the beaver was released.
B.     The county will not repair the weir, because they don’t use them anymore.  George asked if the county is in violation of their commitment to the Army Corps of Engineers (flood control) by not repairing the weir. The city will get more information on the weir and get back with us.
C.      The Mayor has seen a lot of activity.  We have a 70-pound beaver that can reach above the chicken wire.  South Salt Lake was behind Chris’ house to assess the damage and wrap trees.

  1. Officers’ Reports:
A.    President’s Report: Steve needs the information for our report to the city.
B.   Secretary’s Report: Terrell has kept the records and supplied the minutes.  The noticeof   
meeting was mailed within the time frame required by MCPHOA bylaws. Shelly moved to         accept the minutes from the December 8thmeeting.  The motion was seconded by Marianna.  The vote was unanimous.   
C.     Treasurer’s Report: We have $5,349.29 in the bank. That amount will go up with the dues collected this evening. 

  1. Documentation for South Salt Lake: 
A.    Terrell will email the final pond maintenance records.  We may need more documentation for our license and insurance.
B.     Chris needs to give our income tax return and permits from the county to Steve.

  1. Election of Second-Year Trustee:  Shellymoved to reelect George as the second-year trustee.   The motion was seconded by Judy.  The vote was unanimous.  

  1. Election of Officers:  Jerry moved to retain all of the officers. The motion was seconded by Errol. The vote was unanimous.

  1. Scheduling:
A.    Spring meeting and clean-up will be Saturday, April 13th, 11:00 AM at George and Kimarie’s house. Dumpsters will be on 5thEast and behind Chris Meeker’s house.
B.     Student educational tour will be sometime in early May.  George will coordinate the event.
C.     Summer meeting and party will be Saturday, July 6th, 5:00 PM at Steve and Shelly’s house. 
D.    Fall meeting and clean-up will be Saturday, October 5th, 11:00 AM at Jerry and Terrell’s house. Dumpsters will be at Steve and Shelly’s house and in front of Jerry and Terrell’s house.
E.     Winter meeting and party will be at Dallas and Alice’s house in early December.  Date and time will be determined at a later date.  
  1. Adjournment:  Chris moved to adjourn the meeting.  The motion was seconded by Todd.  The vote was unanimous.

The next meeting will be 11:00 AM Saturday, April 13that George and Kimarie’s house with the spring clean-up immediately after.

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